Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.
This is the floor lamp I was telling you about. I turned it on a drillpress using sandpaper and engraving cutters that are used with the Dremel.
I chucked up a 3/8" x 3/8" piece of basswood and turned it round using sandpaper. Then I used the Dremel engraving cutters to make the design.
It's not that hard to do. I have made porch railings using the Dremel and its WorkStation (drillpress) the same way. I like using the drillpress better, it doesn't wobble, the Dremel wobbles.
If any of you have a husband or dad that has a drillpress in their shop you could use it to make lamp bases, porch posts and more.
If you are interested on how to go about doing this, let me know and I will get a project together for you.
Talk to you later, Kris