Use a steel rule to cut off a book, either from your glued up strip or the strip you cut from the memo pad.
If you are using pre-made books pick one out now.
This may be another fussy step, but I do it. I glue a piece or two of card stock on the spine of the book. This helps in rounding out the spine, keeping it from looking so flat. This can be left out.

Trace around the book, or measure the length and width of the book and make the covers from card stock.
Make a spine for the book, also.
I do not add anything for a lip around the book, the covering will add the little bit you need.

Cut small pieces of the stiffened crochet thread and glue to the spine.

Glue the covers and spine to the covering of your choice.
Do you see the little space I left between the covers and spine, this space is less than a 1/16 of an inch. It's not worth measuring, just leave a little space.
Trim the covering around the book cover. Clip the corners.
Glue the covering to the inside of the covers.
This is where we use the embroidery floss. Glue at the top and bottom of the spine.
Apply glue to the inside of the cover and press the book inside. Force the book back towards the spine, the more you do this the better the book looks, I think. If you left a lip around the front of the cover it would be too much, this pushing of the book into the spine gives you enough lip. It also makes the "tooling" show up more. Make a few and you will get better at shaping the cover over the book.
I've used the fabric in this picture.
I used gold paint to highlight the spine.
The sample books. I cut pictures from the Dover catalog to cover a couple and some of the wrapping paper for one, the other is faux leather.
I think they look pretty good on a book shelf.