I visited my used book store today and brought home 4 books. I went to the antiques section and found some GREAT furniture books.
The first one is a catalog of Baker furniture from the 1980's, I think. It's the 68 edition, would like to find out what year that is. Love the measurements, they give inside and outside measurements of chairs and sofas! It's 264 pages and only 5 dollars.
Then I bought a French book, literally in French, but the pictures are pretty! I figured out the words interiors and rustic, none of the pictures look too rustic to me. Every page has pictures of room settings, some color, 138 pages, hardback and only 5 dollars.
Next one is Cabinet Makers and Designers by Hugh Honour . This has examples from the 16 century to present day of noted furniture makers and designers. 320 pages, hardback and 6 dollars.
The last book is The Encyclopedia of Furniture by Joseph Aronson, it has 2000 illustrations, 480 pages and hardback, the cost 6 dollars.
I will have a wonderful night of looking through these books and tagging the pages of the furniture I want to try. I think the Baker catalog is the best, I love getting these. I have only found 2 old furniture catalogs to date. I wonder why, they are lovely and I wouldn't throw them out. Ah . . . . but it's me, isn't?
I am including pictures of a pair of custom sofas I made for a miniaturist from the U.K. She sent me a picture the full-size one and I made 2 for her. They are upholstered in white dupioni silk. Working on a settee' for a miniaturist in Nova Scotia right now. Will try to put some new designs on CDHM.org soon.