
Saturday, October 6, 2018

A note from 1 inch minis.

Hello Followers,

First of all I would like to remind all of you if you have any questions you may email me at the address in the top left side of the blog, Welcome Mini Folk.  If you ask a question in the comment section I usually can't find a way to contact you.  Please use the email address and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

So, Frank G. I thought your question was a good one and I couldn't find a way to just contact you so here goes:  IF I get asked if a certain tutorial can be made and sold, such as the paper baskets I have given my permission.  I have seen my things for sale without credit to the blog.  It's disappointing because on the whole miniaturists are generous people, my followers certainly are.  You've helped me out more times than I can count, especially when it comes to the blasted computer that keeps us all in contact.

I want to thank every one of you that have taken the time to email asking me if you can use the tutorial for a club project, change the scale, make several and give away at club meetings, make for a gift exchange and yes, to sell.  Please ask, all that I ask in return is that you give the blog credit and spread the word.

Have fun, Expand on it, Make it better . . .

