
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I'm Back from Detroit.

Hi,  I took some time to visit my daughter and her husband in Detroit, Michigan.  They were transferred there almost a year ago.  They are expecting their first child and MY first grandchild!  I'm going to be 60 in  December and I thought it would never happen but she's doing it.  We are soooo happy.
She took me to a miniatures store near her, Miniature Makers Workshop.  Very nice store and the area is very lucky to have a brick and mortar store.  Of course I went in and introduced myself and they had never heard of me but turn that frown upside down and tell them about the 1 inch minis blog!!  They did have copies of American Miniaturist so I showed them some articles that are printed from the blog.  I hope I have some new followers.  The store has lots of things to choose from and I had a hard time until I found the teapots.

I bought these three teapots.  I love the shape.  The middle one is a lovely shade of PURPLE, not blue.

The clerk didn't know who made them.

Do you know??

And this is Bear, their really and for true alley cat from Chicago.  They got him as a tiny, tiny kitten and he has grown . . . a bit.

Just thought I let you know what I was up to.  Got to clean up the CDHM site and make some new furniture.  I hope to have some news about 1 inch minis for you all at the beginning of next year, something I think all of you will like.

TTUL  Kris

I have had e-mails about the "Follow Me By E-Mail" option on the right side of the blog, it's not working??  I signed up for it to see what it's all about???  As most of you know I don't know anything about how this all works and blogger doesn't talk back to my questions.  We'll see????

It's been a couple of days and I haven't had an e-mail from my blog, does anyone have any ideas??
It's been suggested that you check your spam folder for notices.  No notices what so ever for me??