
Monday, January 20, 2014

Hi Guys . . . .

I am going to miss my deadline for a tutorial, I am sorry.

My youngest daughter joined the National Guard and last week was when she went to her basic training. Had a lot to do, was out a lot and then spent about 10 hours with her at Lambert Airport in St. Louis.  We waited with her for all of the other National Guard recruits to get in from everywhere.  They were arriving by planes.  We are lucky, we only live about an hour and a half away from St. Louis and could spend that time with her waiting.  We also live about 3 hours away from her post where she will be doing her basic training. We will get to see her graduate and be able to visit while she has her AIT, (advanced individual training, lots of new anachronisms to learn).
Well, all went well and we have even heard from her, a 2 minute call Sunday night was allowed for saying her address, no time to talk, just the address.  My husband took the call and was relieved to hear her voice and said, "It didn't sound like she was sick.".  We are glad because my husband and I caught the cold from "____" and hoped she hadn't gotten it, too.  We've been crabby, cold, hungry and all sorts of other things while laying in bed with the cats. Getting better, on the mend. Finally taking a well deserved shower!!  Way too much information, I know!!

I have the supplies for the batteries and found U.S. suppliers for you.  Will try to get it put up by the end of the week.

No need to send "Get Wells",  I know you all wish me well !!! Thanks for being there, Kris