
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Denmark needs mat board

I am hoping my followers can help out a fellow miniaturist.  This miniaturist lives in Denmark and can not find mat board.

I am told your Google is different than mine.  Mat board may also be called something different.

What I am calling mat board is used to "mat" photographs when framing.  It's the 1/16 inch thick piece of card board that is under the glass, then the photograph is under the mat board, the mat board will have a hole cut out so you can see the photograph.  It is used to enhance or decorate the photograph's edge.   It can come in colors, I use the white.  Businesses that frame pictures usually will have this product.  Art supply stores may also carry mat board.

Can anyone help with the Google search and post the answer?  I will keep a watch and publish a post.

Thank you,  Kris