
Sunday, April 8, 2012

WOW !!

Hi everybody. 

I check the blog every few days to see if anyone needs help, and please if you need help contact me at, and to read the wonderful comments.

I have two big, big thank yous to hand out to my followers.

First, looky, looky, I've reached 1001 followers, how cool is that!?  When I began this blog I did not think that I'd be found or anyone would be interested in what I shared.  Well, I was wrong.  I love all of you.  You make me look forward to the middle of the month so I can put away the fabric and get out the paper and glue and make something fun.

Second, and this was a big surprise . . . . I received an e-mail from the Google Adsense and they are mailing a check to me!!!  Yahoo!!  I want to thank everyone that clicks on the Ads on the left side of my blog.  You see every time you click on an ad I make a penny or so, I really don't know, it's not much.  But it made my day and it helps buying my supplies.  I hope this isn't too crass but keep up the good work and I'll keep making minis for you!!

Thank you very much for all of your support . . . . . . Kris