
Friday, March 9, 2012

Top of the Baker's Rack

O.K., This is not easy but here goes . . . The vertical pieces are florist's wire, not the covered kind, the "Bright" kind, it's bare and silver, can't remember what gauge.  I made forms for the curved part and bent the wire in the forms.  The flower at the center is easy, it's a paper punch and then shaped with a stylus.  The shelves were supposed to be cut and holes drilled for the wire, they were.  I got excited over getting the top all put together and spray painted the whole thing flat black.  OOPS!!  Wanted the shelves stained.  I had to cut the shelves out of the assembly, was not going to remake this thing.  Got them cut out.  So the result was now thin slices of wood holding the wires in line.  Now, to the sides.  This was accomplished by sawing bass wood paper thin.  Making forms again, two of them.  Soaking the paper thin wood in hot, hot water and placing them into the forms to dry.  After they were dry I took them out and put them back in with glue between the layers, this is laminating.  We did this with the marble topped wine rack using card stock.  After the glue was dry I took the shapes out and glued them together and glued them to the back.  Then I glued new stained shelves into the assembly.