
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm in Chicago!

I am in Chicago visiting my oldest daughter, Katie. I am on her Apple laptop and loving it. We went to her new Michael's and she took me to her eyeglass place. She wants me to update my look, O.K. I'm an old mom. I love coming up here, I ride the train for about 5 hours. She lives close to Think Small by Rosebud. It's a nice miniature store, and they have a lower level for miniaturists to work on their dollhouses.
We are going to make strawberry jam tomorrow, and then I will ride the train home. I am watching Top Chef and eating Swedish Fish and writing to you all, this is just so much fun.

I was reading her Country Living magazine,(British Edition), it's lovely. I have a question for our English miniaturists . . . .I have researched the Aga range. I think it's neat that it is always on. Are there other ranges like this? Is this called a range or cooker because it is always on? We generally call them stoves, but they turn on and off. Shed a little light on this for me. I suspect the Aga range is expensive.

Joy, I have your settee almost finished, the frame work with the legs needs another coat of finish, I will do that when I get home.

We need to go shopping for strawberries, so I will say talk to you later, Kris