
Monday, July 5, 2010

Just to say HI!

I am working on a set of half scale chairs, gosh this stuff is tiny! I can't imagine working any smaller. I like looking, but the making is tedious.
I have the picture of Fidg in my workroom, I don't look at it a lot, but he's there. My little chickens are grown up and out with the others. We have always had Buff Orpingtons, a heavy breed. These new chickens are Barred Rocks, a black chicken with white bars on them and not a heavy breed. So every night I have to get them some of them out of the trees. One night I left a couple in and my husband heard a ruckus and got up to find a raccoon had gotten one and took it down to the barn. He saved the chicken and I don't leave any chickens out anymore.
The donkeys are doing fine, my husband is training them to haul brush and logs for us. The logs we cut up and use for firewood, we have a wood burning furnace. They have finally settled in. The greedy behavior they had when they first arrived is gone. They know they will be petted, brushed and treated again, it's not the sanctuary where they had to compete with over 200 other horses and other assorted animals.
The blackberries are coming in and this year they are as big as your thumb. I will be putting up jelly with them.
Thank you to Dangerous Mezzo, I corrected the url for the suede paper. Have any of you tried it out?
Just checking in, TTYL Kris